Lecture Hall
By Alexandria Wyckoff

The clock ticks forward.
It’s hard to believe only a minute
has passed while I listen
to this monotony in front of me.
I scribble down meaningless
words as the ink runs low in
my pen—what a waste.
I decide to put the pen
to better use. Thoughts flood
into my mind of a world
not yet made. My imagination
floats above me—a buoyant balloon
caught in the breeze. I yank
it back down to Earth.
Still the ideas persist, and
I float up again to vibrant
castles, terrifying monsters, and
a knight to save them all.
The ink gains its purpose,
as the knight swings his sword
down, clashing with another.
I flinch away from the metallic sound,
while the knight disarms his enemy.
He shouts in victory.
I smile at his courage, when
a loud bell shatters my concentration.
Mass exodus ensues, to flee the
monotone man, as I reluctantly
pack away my notebook
and join the mass of reality.
Alexandria Wyckoff has a BA in creative writing from SUNY Oswego. She has been previously published in Gandy Dancer, Planisphere Q, The Ana, Zenith Literary Magazine and is forthcoming in Quillkeepers Press. She loves reading on rainy days while sipping on a cup of mint tea. Find more of her work at https://lwyckoff2002.wixsite.com/alexandria-wyckoff